Personal Injury and Automobile Accidents Attorneys – When you or your loved one is injured or killed due to an auto accident or personal injury, you want to feel confident that you hire an attorney who will protect your legal rights. Lindsay, Lindsay & Parsons has a great deal of experience successfully representing individuals seriously injured in auto accidents.
Litigation in this area can be highly complex, as normally multiple defendants will be involved. We can assist you in protecting your rights when you are confronted by an army of defense lawyers hired by the insurance company to deflect blame. Our lawyers have the necessary courtroom skills to fully explain the devastating consequences of a serious injury to a jury, and, as such, have been very successful in negotiations prior to court appearances. We handle the following types of accidents:
- Car Accidents
- Truck Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Bicycle Accidents
- 18-Wheeler Accidents
- Uninsured and Under-insured Motorist cases
- Other Personal Injury Matters
Steps to Take to Ensure Your Claim Is Handled Properly
- Medical bills and records: Keep up-to-date on any and all medical care and treatment that you receive.
- Statements to individuals: Do not speak to anyone concerning your accident, especially to insurance adjusters or investigators. Do not engage in conversations with strangers regarding your accident or your injuries.
- Service of documents: If you are served with any type of papers, contact an attorney immediately.
- Take pictures: Take photographs of your motor vehicle before any repair work is done and keep a copy of any repair estimate prepared by a reputable body shop.
- Lost wages: Start a calendar and track the days that you miss from work due to your injuries.
Contact a Beaumont Personal Injury Attorney
Please contact us for a free consultation if you, or someone you know, has been involved in an accident. Normally, there will be no legal fees, unless we recover damages for you. Don’t wait to contact an attorney. Insurance companies and defense lawyers are not your friends. They will not protect your legal rights, and will not hesitate to use any statement made against you in court. Please call (409) 833-1196 for a free initial consultation.